Roasted Vegetable Salad

I love roast vegetables, in pretty much any meal! But a roast vegetable salad takes the cake everyday and is really easy to prepare. You can use any kind of vegetables you like really, however my favourites are selected below. You can also make extra, double/triple the below portions, cook up some quinoa and add to a salad for the next day or even to a wrap for lunch!

How to prepare this wonderful meal?

Serves: 4
Preparation time: 35 minutes


  • 1 carrot, cut into thin rectangular shapes
  • ½ red capsicum, cut into thin rectangular shapes
  • ¼ red onion slice thinly
  • ⅓ zucchini, cut into small rectangular shapes
  • Handful of beanettes, cleaned
  • Handful of cherry roma tomatoes, washed
  • ¼ small butternut pumpkin, cut into small squares
  • 2 handfuls of spinach leaves (to add to salad once vegetables have cooled)


  • Tsp of salt
  • Tsp pepper
  • Tsp cumin
  • Tsp dried garlic/powder
  • Tbsp olive oil
  • Tbsp honey

Juice of one lemon & a dash (tablespoon) of seeded mustard.

Season the vegetables and cook until golden and a little crispy for about 25-30 minutes at 200 degrees celsius, serve with spinach leaves, drizzle the dressing over and add a little bit of crumbled feta or goats cheese for extra taste.


20FIT Lifestyle is the first mobile EMS Gym in Australia active in the Perth metropolitan area. We are fully committed to our clients. By posting healthy easy-to-whip-up meals and snacks we hope to get you inspired to make these little changes that will help you closer to your health and fitness goals. If you need a hand, have any questions or suggestions please do not hesitate and let us know! ✌️️